Monthly Archives: May 2017

A Friendly Hello from Lindsey ’20, Summer Intern

Hello (hola, bonjour, 안녕하세요, 你好) incoming Mawrters! I’m Lindsey, a writer, cat owner, plant enthusiast and a lover of thrasher films. And for good measure, I’m a Sagittarius (Virgo moon). I’ve spent the last 19 years as a native of Philadelphia; home of typical Philly things such as Rocky, Will Smith, and sweaty cheesesteaks that drip everywhere. Sounds amazing, right? Let’s move on…

You’re probably wondering why I’m here. Why you were born. Why you are on this blog. Why the college enrollment process is so stressful and unnecessarily messy. And why you’re being directed to a blog site ran by a first year that seems to think she is the boss of you.

First, let’s get one thing straight: I’m not your boss. I don’t want to be your boss. One of the joys of graduating from high school and going to college is that nearly everything is up to you. You are in charge of yourself. What you wear, what you eat, the classes you take, when you wake up or go to sleep, it’s all up to you.

That freedom is something I really appreciated about Bryn Mawr. At first, I thought It was going to be hard for me to adapt to living independently, that I’d never adjust to having to take care of myself without my parents holding my hand or telling me what to do. But after a few weeks of settling in, I found myself more comfortable than ever. I created my own schedule, watched plenty of Netflix, ate ice cream for dinner without flinching, and played by my own rules. Ya know, cause I’m a rebel.

However, it can become awfully hard to fully enjoy the college experience when you have no idea where to start or what’s going on.

That’s the reason I’m here: to give you the knowledge I wish I had as an incoming freshmen. There are probably many questions you have in regards to what happens between now and when you walk into your first class next semester. Like how many classes are you allowed to take, what the heck is the tri-co, or maybe you just want to know how my day is going or something (wink, wink). Whatever it is, I’ll be here to answer it.

“Knowledge is the fruit of life” Kim Kardashian once said. So eat as much knowledge as you can or you’ll always be hungry.

I hope you guys are as excited as I am to get to know each other over the next few months. Make sure to keep up with this blog as I will be posting many things in the coming days that will be extremely useful to you. Don’t miss out when you don’t have to. Goodbye for now!